Topical Areas
- Topical Area 1: Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Applications
- Topical Area 2: Computer Science & Systems
- Topical Area 3: Network Systems and Applications
- Topical Area 4: Information Technology for Business and Society
- Topical Area 5: Software, System and Service Engineering
Thematic Sessions
AgriAI – AI in Agriculture
APL – Advances in Programming Languages
CNLPS – Challenges for Natural Language Processing
CO – Computational Optimization
EDUC‑AI‑TION– Education & AI systems
NEMESIS - International Forum on Cyber Security, Privacy, and Trust
MDASD– Model Driven Approaches in System Development
SLSAS – Self Learning and Self Adaptive Systems
CANA - Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms
DSH -Data Science in Health, Ecology and Commerce
ISM - Information Systems Management
MDASD - Model Driven Approaches in System DevelopmentMore thematic sessions will be announced soon !
Important dates
Thematic Session proposal submission: 26.11.2025- Paper submission (no extensions): 25.05.2025
- Position paper submission: 10.06.2025
- Author notification: 1.07.2025
- Final paper submission, registration: 15.07.2025
- Early registration discount: TBA
- Conference date: September 14-17.09.2025