20th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems
FedCSIS 2025
Conference News
The mission of the FedCSIS Conference Series is to provide a presentation, discussion and a reputable publication forum in computer science and intelligence systems. The forum invites researchers and practitioners from around the world to contribute their research results focused on their scientific and professional interests in a chosen area.
The FedCSIS conference consists of the Main Track and Thematic Session. Papers submitted to the Main Track can be assigned, by their authors, to Topical Areas, which are managed by Topical Area Curators. Based on the scope of the contribution, Topical Area Curators select its reviewers from the Main Track Program Committee. Besides the Main Track, the authors may prefer to submit their papers to Thematic Session, which announce their own Calls for Thematic Session Papers and are assisted by the FedCSIS Chairs in reaching out to the FedCSIS Community.
For all five Topical Areas, situated within a general domain of Computer Science, the continually emerging topic of Intelligence Systems stands as the common denominator. All Thematic Sessions also refer to the Intelligence Systems from different perspectives. They are regarded as a path toward introducing more Intelligence into Computer Science and IT.
Topical Areas
- Topical Area 1: Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Applications
- Topical Area 2: Computer Science & Systems
- Topical Area 3: Network Systems and Applications
- Topical Area 4: Information Technology for Business and Society
- Topical Area 5: Software, System and Service Engineering
Thematic Sessions
AgriAI – AI in Agriculture
APL – Advances in Programming Languages
CNLPS – Challenges for Natural Language Processing
CO – Computational Optimization
EDUC‑AI‑TION– Education & AI systems
NEMESIS - International Forum on Cyber Security, Privacy, and Trust
MDASD– Model Driven Approaches in System Development
SLSAS – Self Learning and Self Adaptive Systems
CANA - Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms
DSH -Data Science in Health, Ecology and Commerce
ISM - Information Systems Management
MDASD - Model Driven Approaches in System DevelopmentMore thematic sessions will be announced soon !
Important dates
Thematic Session proposal submission: 26.11.2025- Paper submission (no extensions): 25.05.2025
- Position paper submission: 10.06.2025
- Author notification: 1.07.2025
- Final paper submission, registration: 15.07.2025
- Early registration discount: TBA
- Conference date: September 14-17.09.2025